1) The Scheme:

Government of Maharashtra has approved the introduction of a new credit linked subsidy
programme called Chief Minister Employment Generation Programme (CMEGP) for generation
of employment opportunities through establishment of Micro & Small Enterprises (project cost
limited to Rs. 50 lacs) in rural as well as urban areas in the state.

2) The Scheme Implementation:
The Scheme will be implemented and monitored by Directorate of Industries (DOI), under the
administrative control of Industries Department, Government of Maharashtra. The Scheme will
be implemented through District Industries Centers (DICs), Maharashtra State Khadi and Village
Industries Boards (KVIB) under the control of Directorate of Industries and also by banks. The
subsidy under the scheme will be routed through DOI to the identified banks for eventual
distribution to the beneficiaries/entrepreneurs in their bank accounts after the stipulated

3) Vision:
i. To generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the state through
setting up of new self-employment ventures /projects /micro enterprises /small enterprises
(project cost limited to Rs.50 lakhs).
ii. To bring together widely dispersed traditional artisans/ rural and urban unemployed youth/
innovative/inventive/ pioneering ideas-ventures and give them self-employment
opportunities to the extent possible, at their place of stay.
iii. To provide continuous and sustainable employment to a large segment of prospective
traditional artisans, start-ups, innovative/inventive/ pioneering ideas-ventures to rural and
urban unemployed youths in the State, to help arrest migration of rural youth to urban
iv. To increase the wage-earning capacity of prospective traditional artisans and contribute to
increase in the growth rate of rural and urban employment.
4) Objectives:
To establish 1,00,000 Micro and Small Enterprises in the next five years and achieve
employment opportunities to 8-10 lakh youth in the State. The target for the first financial year
2019-20 is to establish 10,000 enterprises in the State.
To achieve this target in rural and urban areas, the Directorate of Industries (DOI) will distribute
district wise target to both the agencies i.e. the District Industries Centers (DICs) and
Maharashtra State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIB) depending upon backwardness of
the district, unemployment, availability of resources, upcoming technologies and population of
districts, etc.

5) Quantum and Nature of Financial Assistance, funding under CMEGP:
Categories of beneficiaries under
(of project cost)
Rate of subsidy
(of project cost)
Area (location of project/unit) Urban Rural
General Category 10% 15% 25%
Special Category
(includes SC / ST /Women/ Exservicemen / differently abled)
5% 25% 35%
(1) The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible under manufacturing sector is Rs.50 lakh.
However, if the actual project cost is higher than the prescribed limit and the applicant seeks
to become eligible under the scheme by manipulation (by reducing the cost of project) then
such projects/units will not be considered.
(2) The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible under service , Agro-based/ Primary Agro
processing sector, E-vehicle based goods transport and other businesses, single brand service
ventures (single brand-based chains, mobile service ventures) is Rs.10 lakhs.
(3) Beneficiary’s Contribution in the project cost will be 5% to 10 % as per the Categories of
Beneficiaries under CMEGP scheme and balance amount of the total project cost will be
provided by Banks as term loan.
6) Eligibility criteria under the scheme:
a) Any individual between 18 to 45 years of age. For Special category (including SC/ST/Women/
Ex-servicemen/Differently abled) age is relaxed by 5 years.
b) Applicant(s) should be resident of Maharashtra. In case of birth outside Maharashtra, the
applicant must possess domicile certificate.
c) There will be no income ceiling to become eligible for availing financial assistance.
d) The constitutions eligible for setting up new units/ventures established under the scheme are
Proprietorship, Partnership and Self-Help Groups (SHG’s) registered with respective
e) For project/units cost between Rs.10 lakh to Rs.25 lakhs, the required educational criteria for
the applicant is minimum 7th standard pass and for project/units above Rs.25 lakh the
required educational criteria for the applicant is minimum 10th standard pass. The applicants
should also preferably possess respective / relevant skills required for the project.
f) Only one person from a family will be eligible under the scheme. (Definition of family includes
Self and spouse)
g) Assistance under the Scheme is available only for new projects/ventures.
h) Registered Self-Help Groups (including those belonging to BPL provided that they have not
availed benefits under any other Central & State scheme) are eligible for assistance.
i) Existing Units and units that have availed benefit under PMRY, REGP, PMEGP or any other
subsidy linked scheme of Government of India or State Government and also units that have
already availed Government Subsidy under any other scheme of Government of India or
State Government are not eligible under the scheme.
7) Other Eligibility Conditions under CMEGP:
a) For assistance as a Special Category, a certified copy of the caste / validity certificate or
relevant document issued by the competent authority is required to be furnished by the
applicant to the concerned implementing agency at the time of making application.
Applicants with 21 types of benchmark disabilities covered under “The Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act, 2016” should furnish a valid disability certificate.
b) A certified copy of registration of SHG / constitution of the firm (Registrar of Firms) of the
proposed project / unit is required, wherever necessary.
c) Cost of the land should not be included in the Project cost. Cost of the ready built-up workshed/gala/workshop is admissible subject to maximum 20% of the total project cost.
d) Long lease / rental Work-shed/Workshop/gala can be included in the project cost subject to
restricting such cost to be calculated proportionately on a pro-rata basis for three years.
e) Project cost will include Capital Expenditure (except cost of land) and one cycle of Working
Capital. Projects without Capital Expenditure are not eligible for financing under the Scheme.
Projects costing more than Rs.5 lakh, which do not require working capital, need clearance
from the Regional Office or Controller of the Bank’s Branch and the claims are required to be
submitted with such certified copy of approval from Regional Office or Controller, as the case
may be.
f) For Service sector & Agro based activities as specified above, new projects Work-shed/shop
the maximum cost eligible is limited to 20% of total project cost whereas maximum working
capital for such projects will be limited to a maximum of 30% of the total project cost.
g) Assistance under CMEGP is applicable to all new viable micro, small enterprises (project cost
limited to Rs.50 lacs) including Village Industries.
h) SC & ST applicants will have reservation of 20% in the total yearly target.
i) Women applicants will have reservation of 30% in the total yearly target.
j) Differently abled applicants will have reservation of 3% as per the provisions of the Social
Welfare Department GR dated 24.2.2019 in the total yearly target.
1) The SHGs registered as such specific SC/ST/Women/Differently abled/Ex-Servicemen SHGs or
Composite, with necessary provisions in the bye-laws to that effect with concerned authorities
are eligible for subsidy applicable to special category under the scheme. However, the SHGs not
registered as special category as above, will be eligible for Subsidy applicable to general
2) Only one person from the family is eligible for obtaining financial assistance for setting up of
projects under CMEGP. The “family” includes self and spouse.
8) Eligible Units under the scheme:
New Manufacturing, Service, Agro-based & Primary Agro processing activities, E-vehicle based
goods transport and other businesses, single brand service ventures (single brand-based chains,
mobile service ventures) sector projects/units, will be eligible under the CMEGP scheme. State
level Monitoring and High-Power Committee will publish list of such eligible and non-eligible
projects / units (Negative list) separately as and when required.
9) Implementing Agencies:
a) The Scheme will be monitored and implemented by Directorate of Industries (DOI) which will
be the nodal agency at the State level.
b) Under the administrative control of Directorate of Industries, the General Manager, District
Industries Centers (DICs) will implement the scheme in urban areas and under the
administrative control of Maharashtra State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIB), the
District Khadi and Village Industries Offices (KVIOs) will implement the scheme in rural areas.
The implementing agency for project/unit cost of more than Rs.25 lakhs in urban as well as
rural areas is District Industries Centre. Such proposals and Cluster linked proposals will be
monitored and decided/ approved by the DOI, as and when required.
c) The overall coordination and monitoring of the scheme at the district level will be done by
General Manager, District Industries Center (DIC).
d) Regional Joint Director will be responsible for overall monitoring & supervision in their
respective regions.
10) Associated Agencies
The details of other agencies to be associated with nodal agencies for speedy implementation
of the scheme of CMEGP are as under:
(i) Banks/ Financial Institutions.
(ii) Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD)
(iii) MAVIM.
(iv) Professional Institutions/Technical Colleges recognized by Government/University and
University Grants Commission (UGC)/ All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
having department for vocational guidance or technical courses providing skill-based
training like ITI, Rural Polytechnic, Food Processing Training Institute, etc.
(v) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Institutes (MSME-DIs), MSME Tool
Rooms and Technical Development Centers, under the administrative control of Office
of Development Commissioner, MSME in the State.
(vi) National Small Industries Corporation’s (NSIC) offices, Technical Centers, Training
Centers, Incubators and Training cum Incubation Centers (TICs) set up in PPP Mode in
the State.
(vii) National level Entrepreneurship Development Institutes like National Institute for
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), National Institute for
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (NIMSME) and Indian Institute of
Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwahati under the administrative control of Ministry of MSME,
their branches and the Entrepreneurship Development Centers (EDCs) set up by their
Partner Institutions (PIs) in the State.
(viii) COIR Board offices in the State.
(ix) RSETI’s in the state
(x) Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED), regional and district
level offices in the State.
(xi) MITCON Ltd., regional and district level offices in the State.
(xii) Industrial Cluster’s approved by Government of India or Government of Maharashtra.
(xiii) Prominent Industrial Associations/ Chamber of Commerce and Industries at district
11) Financial Institutions:
a) Public Sector Banks.
b) All Regional Rural Banks in the State.
c) Private Sector Scheduled Commercial Banks approved by State Level Monitoring
Committee (SLMC) headed by Development Commissioner (Industries).
12) CMEGP Portal:
To implement a hassle-free CMEGP scheme the complete process is made online. A dedicated
portal viz. has been developed for speedy and transparent
implementation of the Scheme. The applicant must compulsorily apply on the portal only to
respective implementing agencies for availing financial assistance. The application form on the
portal is self-explanatory, providing guidelines/advisory tips to fill up the application form
correctly. In case of any difficulty/query the applicant may approach the respective
Implementing Agency at district level.
13) Identification of beneficiaries and project sanction process:
The identification of beneficiaries will be done at the district level by representatives from
respective district level KVIB and DICs and Banks. The application received on the portal will be
scrutinized by District level Scrutiny & Coordination Sub-Committee headed by GM, DIC with
LDM, KVIO, District Coordinator-MAVIM, Project Officer-Tribal Development, representative of
major banks in the district and representatives of Industries Associations / Cluster as Members.
The District Level Task Force Committee (DLTFC) would be headed by the District Magistrate /
Deputy Commissioner / Collector of the concerned districts which will accord approval and
recommend the proposals to respective banks. The Bankers should be involved right from the
beginning to ensure that bunching of applications is avoided. The applicants who have already
undergone training of at least two weeks under Entrepreneurship Development Programme
(EDP) / Residential Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) need not undergo EDP
training again. Such applicants would also be given priority in the selection process by the
The generalized process flow of proposals received under the scheme will be as follows:
a) The applicant must apply for financial assistance to respective implementing agencies on the
dedicated portal viz. only. Under any circumstances / events
receipt of physical applications will not be entertained by the implementing agencies.
b) A District level Scrutiny and Coordination Sub-Committee (DLSCC) constituted under the
Chairmanship of respective GM, DICs will scrutinize the applications and prepare a primary list
of eligible applicants. The applicant may be called for counseling by DLSCC, if required.
c) The primary eligible applicants list will be approved by DLTFC headed by the District
Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner / Collector of the concerned districts and the same will be
forwarded by GM, DIC (as a convener) to respective banks for further needful. However, the
Banks will refer the application to the DLTFC for reconsideration, if it is observed that the
project cost is exaggerated with a view to avail higher subsidy or for any other reasons
deemed fit by the banks.
d) The banks shall scrutinize and sanction the proposal depending upon financial and technical
viability of the project and other related aspects as per prevailing norms as well as directives
issued by the RBI from time to time.
e) The bank will upload the detail sanctioned summary report with a copy of sanction letter on
the portal. The bank will inform the applicant regarding specific EDP training depending upon
category of activity. However, the applicants, who have already undergone training of at least
10 days under Residential Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) /
Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) / Skill Development Programme (SDP) /
Entrepreneurship cum Skill Development Programme (ESDP) need not undergo the EDP
training again.
f) After completion of EDP training (agencies approved by DOI) by the applicant, respective bank
will upload EDP training certificate on the portal alongwith the claim of Margin Money. The
Margin Money claim will be allowed after disbursement of first installment of loan which
would be equal to or more than Margin Money amount.
g) Application processing, scrutiny, counselling, DLTFC sanction, recommendation to bank, loan
approval, etc. will be completed at district level. After sanction of loan by respective bank,
GM, DIC must verify and validate the detail margin money summary report within 3 working
days and forward the same to CMEGP cell at HO, DOI for further release of margin money for
further disbursement. For necessary rectification, if required in the summary report the GM,
DIC will send the proposal to respective bank and complete the validation within reasonable
h) CMEGP cell will verify the details of the claim along with summary report and get it validated
from controlling authority. The validated margin money claim will be forwarded to the Nodal
Officer (CMEGP), Corporation Bank, Mumbai for onward disbursement to respective bank
branch. The Corporation Bank will disburse the Margin Money claim to respective bank
branch in real time and inform the same with necessary reports to CMEGP Cell.
i) Margin money amount will be kept in respective loan account of the beneficiary as Term
Deposit Receipt (TDR) for three years. Such TDR will not earn interest and the banks too
would not charge any interest on equivalent amount of the loan component. After
completion of three successful years of activity and following the timely repayment schedule
as informed by the bank, the margin money in the form of grant-in-aid will be re-appropriated
in the applicant’s loan account after confirmation / necessary validation from GM, DIC.
j) The entire application process at various stages would be fair, transparent and time-bound.
14) Bank Finance:
1) The Bank will sanction loan of 90% of the project cost in case of General Category of
beneficiary/institution and 95% in case of special category of the beneficiary/institution and
disburse full amount suitably for setting up of the project. The term loan disbursement shall
either be one-time or phase wise depending upon the nature of the project.
2) Bank will finance Capital Expenditure in the form of Term Loan and Working Capital in the
form of cash credit. Project can also be financed by the Bank in the form of Composite Loan
consisting of Capital Expenditure and Working Capital.
3) Though Banks will claim Margin Money (subsidy) based on sanction of Capital & working
capital expenditure of the project, the Margin Money (subsidy) if claimed in excess, must be
refunded immediately to DOI, after the final disbursement.
4) Working Capital component should be utilized in such a way that at one point of stage it
touches 100% limit of Cash Credit within three years of lock in period of Margin Money and
not less than 75% utilization of the sanctioned limit. If it does not touch aforesaid limit,
proportionate amount of the Margin Money (subsidy) is to be recovered by the
Bank/Financial Institution and refunded to the DOI at the end of the third year.
5) Rate of interest and repayment schedule – Normal prevailing rate of interest shall be
charged. Repayment schedule may range between 3 to 7 years after an initial moratorium as
may be prescribed by the concerned bank/financial institution. It has been observed that
banks have been routinely insisting on credit guarantee coverage irrespective of the merits of
the proposal. The proposal financed under the scheme has to be covered under Credit
Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro & Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) of Govt. Of India and the State
Government has collaborated with CGTMSE for the necessary coverage under the scheme.
6) State Level Bankers Committee will issue necessary advice/guidelines to the respective Banks
to accord priority in sanctioning projects under CMEGP.
15) Urban areas and Rural areas:
The areas with less than or equal to 20,000 populations as per 2011 census are termed
as rural areas, whereas area with more than 20,000 populations will termed as urban areas.
The areas under Nagar Panchayats, Nagar Parishads, Industrial areas developed by MIDC /
Other notified agencies having population less than or equal to 20,000 will also be classified as
urban areas.
16) Modalities of online Process Flow of application and fund flow under the Scheme:
a) Project proposals will be invited from potential beneficiaries at district level through press,
advertisement, radio and other respective media by DICs and KVIB at periodical intervals
depending on the target allotted to that district. The scheme will also be advertised
/publicized through the Panchayati Raj Institutions which will also assist in identification of
b) It is mandatory to make online applications only.
c) There will be two separate application forms for individual and non-individual (as
notified by Government of Maharashtra from time to time) applicants.
d) Applicants will be provided with User ID and Password at the time of initial registration
(application filing) for updating/tracking the status of application.
e) Applicant will be provided with unique application ID, after final submission of application
form along with the requisite documents, which will be used by all the concerned agencies as
well as banks for further processing of the application.
f) Individual applicant (Proprietorship firm) should possess valid Aadhaar number. In case of
applications to be filed by non-individual (Partnership firms and registered Self-Help Groups),
the authorized person should submit his/her valid Aadhaar number.
g) Application form will have the provision for saving the data entered at any stage.
Guidelines for filling up of each field will be provided alongside the application form.
h) A list of FAQ’s will be provided on the portal. A short video demonstrating the online filing of
application will also be provided on the portal.
i) There will be a link in the application form, for enabling the applicant to prepare
project report on their own, based on a sample template provided.
j) There will be a provision to upload the following documents:
i. *Passport size photo
ii. *Aadhaar Card
iii. *Birth Certificate/ School Leaving Certificate/ Domicile Certificate(if required)
iv. *Educational qualification details
v. *Undertaking Form
vi. *Project Report
vii. Caste Certificate/Caste Validity – if applicable
viii. Special Category Certificate – if applicable
ix. REDP/EDP/Skill Development training certificate/etc – if completed.
x. For non-individual applicant, following additional documents are required:
(i) Registration certificate
(ii) Authorization letter/copy of bye-laws authorizing Secretary, etc. to apply.
(iii) Certificate for Special Category, wherever required.
(Note: 1. Serial number with * are mandatory documents
2. Size limit of the document should not exceed 300 kb, and for serial number v.
& viz. It should not exceed 1 mb.)
k) The application form on CMEGP portal has been made mobile friendly.
l) After filing the application and uploading the required documents on the portal, the
applicant will click SUBMIT button and the application will be finally submitted. The entire
set of documents and application form will be electronically forwarded to the District
Industries Centre (DIC) of the concerned District or District Representative of State KVIB.
m) After receipt of the application, preliminary scrutiny will be completed within two working
days by the nodal officer of DIC or State KVIB. The nodal officer will do the required
correction, if any, in the application and also provide hand holding to the applicant.
n) District Level Scrutiny and Co-ordination Sub-Committee (DLSCC) has been set up for first
level scrutiny of applications and recommending the loan proposals to the DLTFC. The
DLSCC will consist of following members
i. General Manager, District Industries Center – Chairman
ii. Lead Bank Manager – Member
iii. District Khadi & Village Industries Officer – Member
iv. District coordinator MAVIM – Member
v. Assistant Commissioner, Social justice &
Special assistance department – Member
vi. Project officer, Integrated Tribal Development – Member
vii. Two representatives of leading banks from district – Member
viii. Two representatives of Industries association/ – Member
ix. Industries officer, DIC – Member Convener

Functions of the Committee-
 Scrutiny of documents received along with application forms, preparation of
primary list of applicants after counseling and forwarding it to DLTFC or CMEGP
cell – Head Office as and when required.
 To forward approved proposal by DLTFC/ CMEGP cell – Head Office to bank.
 Recommendation of margin money claim to CMEGP cell – Head Office after due
verification and validation by GM, DIC.
 Margin money details/ reporting, coordination with implementing agencies,
bankers and training institutions.
o) A District Level Task Force Committee (DLTFC) will be consisting of the following members,
i. District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner/ Collector – Chairman
ii. District Lead Bank Manager – Member
iii. District Khadi & Village officer, KVIB – Member
iv. District coordinator / convener of MAHAVIM – Member
v. Assistant Commissioner, Social justice & – Member
Special assistance department
vi. Project officer, Integrated Tribal Development – Member
vii. General Manager, DIC – Member Convener
Functions of committee-
 Recommendation of application submitted by DLSCC to Financing Bank as opted by
 DLTFC meetings will be held atleast once every month or as and when required.
 The Convener, GM, DIC will forward proposals approved by DLTFC to the concerned
banks within 2 working days.
 The recommendation of application to banks should be preferably completed within 45
days from receipt of application.
p) District Level Review and Co-ordination: The DLRCC and DLBCC Committees under the
chairmanship of District Collector have already been set up for review, recommendation and
co-ordination with various agencies involved in implementation of the various credit linked
programs at district level under District credit plan. The performance of CMEGP will be
reviewed periodically by the said committees. GM, DIC will provide necessary information to
above committees and will also bring to the attention the various issues raised if any, for
necessary assistance and smooth implementation of the scheme in the district.
q) There will be provision on the portal for grievances which would be resolved within 48 hours
by the competent authority.
r) The Banks will either sanction or reject the loan application within a stipulated time. A copy
of the Sanctioned letter will be sent to the applicant (by e-mail/hard copy) as well as to KVIB/
DIC within maximum 90 days from the receipt application, and also to the concerned training
institute. The prescribed EDP training is mandatory before disbursement of loan.
s) The applicant will deposit his contribution in the bank, as per the stipulated norms along with
copy of EDP training certificate.
t) Bank will release the first installment of the sanctioned loan either in full or part (equal to or
above the margin money) and submit the claim for subsidy through the portal.
u) Margin Money will be transferred by Nodal Bank as validated by DOI to the respective
financing bank branch within 24 hours of the receipt of a valid claim.
v) Once the subsidy is received by the Bank in favor of loanee, the amount should be kept as
Term Deposit Receipt (TDR) within 24 hours in the name of the beneficiary/Institution and for
the duration of three years at branch level. No interest will be paid on the TDR and no
interest will be charged on loan disbursed to the corresponding amount of TDR.
w) SMS/e-mail alerts will be made to send to the applicant automatically by the system or by the
concerned officials.
x) In case the Bank’s advance goes “bad” before the three years period, due to reasons, beyond
the control of the beneficiary, the Margin Money (subsidy) will be returned to the DOI along
with interest. In case any recovery is effected subsequently by the Bank from any source
whatsoever, such recovery will be utilized by the Bank for liquidating their outstanding dues.
y) Margin Money (subsidy) will be ‘one-time assistance’, from Government of Maharashtra. For
any enhancement of credit limit or for expansion/modernization of the project, margin money
assistance is not available.
z) Projects financed jointly i.e. financed by two different sources (Banks / Financial institutions)
are not eligible for Margin Money (subsidy) assistance.
aa) Bank must obtain an undertaking from the beneficiary before the release of Bank Finance to
the effect that, in the event of objection (recorded and communicated in writing) by KVIB/
DIC, the beneficiary will refund the Margin Money (subsidy) kept in the TDR or released to him
after three years period.
bb)Banks / KVIB / DICs must ensure that each beneficiary prominently displays the following signboard at the main entrance of his project site:
cc) CMEGP portal will be enabled to capture the re-payment of loans by the CMEGP beneficiary.
After setting-up of the venture, Nodal offices of concerned agencies viz. KVIB / DIC will also
visit them at least once in every 6 months to check their status and provide necessary
guidance/handholding & mentoring. CMEGP portal will also be able to capture details of such
visits by the concerned officer. CMEGP portal will be able to capture details of the physical
verification of the unit done by the third-party agency as well as disbursements of Margin
Money adjustment into the loan account of the beneficiary.
dd) The portal will ensure that there is no overlap between the loan sanctioned and disbursement
through the financial year and enable generation of various reports including category-wise,
rural, urban, bank-wise, district-wise, year-wise, industry sector-wise, size of project-wise, etc.
17) State level Monitoring:
17.1 State Level Monitoring Committee:
For regular review of the scheme & for better co-ordination between all concerned
agencies, State Level Monitoring Committee is constituted under the Chairmanship of the
Development Commissioner (Industries) with the following members:
i. Development Commissioner (Industries) – Chairman
ii. Chief Executive Officer, Maharashtra State – Vice- Chairman
Khadi and Village Industries Board
iii. State Director, KVIC, Mumbai – Member
iv. Commissioner, Women & Child welfare department – Member
v. Commissioner, Social justice & Special Support Department -Member
vi. Commissioner, Tribal Development Department – Member
vii. State Co-coordinator, SLBC (BOM) – Member
viii. General Manager, Maharashtra Circle, Corporation Bank – Member
ix. Deputy Chairman, Yes Bank – Member
x. State level representative of Public & Private sector Banks – Member
xi. Executive Director, MCED – Member
xii. Additional Director of Industries, DOI, Mumbai – Member Secretary
………………………………………….(Unit Name)
Financed by…………………. (Bank), ……………District Name Under
Chief Ministers Employment Generation Programme
Directorate of Industries, Government of Maharashtra
Functions of State level Monitoring Committee are as below:
 To take review of the scheme every three months and give requisite directions to the
 Committee will also co-ordinate with all concerned departments and banks and prepare
action plan for successful implementation of the scheme and to achieve yearly target.
17.2 State level High Power Committee:
For easy and effective implementation of scheme, for regular review at State level
Bankers Committee & Implementing Agencies, a Committee has been constituted
under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra with the following
i. Chief Secretary, Maharashtra – Chairman
ii. ACS/PS/Secretary, Finance – Member
iii. ACS/PS/Secretary, Industries – Member
iv. ACS/PS/Secretary, Social Welfare & Special Support – Member
v. ACS/PS/Secretary, Tribal Development – Member
vi. ACS/PS/Secretary, Woman & Child Development – Member
vii. MD/Executive Director, Bank of Maharashtra – Member
viii. GM, Corporation Bank, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai – Member
ix. State level representative of Pvt. sector banks (two) – Member
x. Other Public sector banks (SBI, BOI, BOB) – Member
xi. State Conveyor, SLBC , Bank of Maharashtra – Member
xii. Development Commissioner (Industries) – Member Secretary
Function of State level High Power Committee are as below:
 To review the progress / status of implementation of program & to give further
necessary instructions.
 To guide for achieving better outcome of targets under the scheme.
 To issue instruction to the concerned department to provide necessary Budget
 To instruct the concerned dept. for reallocation of Budget for effective
implementation of the scheme if required.
18) Residential Entrepreneurship Development Programme:
a. The objective of Residential Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) is to provide
orientation and awareness pertaining to various managerial and operational functions like
finance, production, marketing, enterprise management, banking formalities, book keeping,
etc. The REDP training duration under CMEGP for service sector is 1 week and for
manufacturing sector it is 2 weeks inclusive of interaction with successful rural/urban
entrepreneur, banks as well as orientation through field visits.
b.REDP training will be mandatory for all the CMEGP beneficiaries. However, the beneficiaries
who have undergone REDP/ EDP training earlier, of duration not less than two weeks through
KVIC/KVIB/DIC or reputed training centers will be exempted from undergoing fresh REDP
training. However, such candidate must go for refreshers REDP training of two or three days
conducted by MCED or any other institute specified by the high power committee.
c. DOI will reimburse the expenditure towards EDP to the training centers / institutes chosen for
the purpose, in accordance with the procedures to be separately devised by it and circulated
to DIC/KVIB. The training expenses will be decided by State level Monitoring Committee
under the scheme as and when required.
19) Physical verification of CMEGP Units:
100% physical verification of the units established and status of each of the units, will be done
by DOI, through the agencies of State Government and/or, if necessary by outsourcing the work
to professional institutes having expertise in this area, following the prescribed procedures.
Banks and KVIB will coordinate and assist DOI in ensuring 100% physical verification. A suitable
format will be designed by DOI for such physical verification of units. Quarterly reports in the
prescribed format will be submitted by DOI to the Government of Maharashtra.
20) Bankers Review Meetings:
CMEGP is a bank driven scheme and the final sanction of project and release of loan is done at
the branch level of concerned Bank. It is therefore imperative that DOI and KVIB / DICs interact
regularly with the higher officials of Bankers at District/ State level to ensure that bottle-necks,
if any, in implementation are resolved, outcomes are effectively achieved and targets met.
Bankers Review Meeting at following levels shall be organized as below:
(i) Lead District Managers Meet (LDM): This meet will be organized by DIC jointly with KVIB.
The focus of the meeting will be to inform and sensitize the bank officials at district level
about CMEGP and regularly monitor and review the implementation of the scheme. The
meeting will be held on quarterly basis.
(ii) Zonal review meeting: To review and monitor the CMEGP scheme, zonal review meeting
will be conducted quarterly by DOI where representatives of KVIB and DIC will participate.
Concerned bank officers will also be invited.
(iii) State level Bankers Meeting: DOI will organize / participate in State Level Bankers meeting
to be held quarterly and review / monitor the progress of the implementation of the
scheme. CMDs/Senior Executives of nationalized Banks, representatives from Government
of Maharashtra, and KVIB will participate in the State Level Bankers meeting which will be
chaired by Hon. Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra. The meeting will focus on
reviewing the targets and examine the issues related to policy decisions relating to banks for
proper implementation of CMEGP.
21) Awareness Camps:
DICs will organize awareness camps, in close coordination with all implementing/
supporting agencies throughout the state to popularize CMEGP and to identify potential
beneficiaries in rural, semi-urban and urban areas about the Scheme. The awareness camps will
involve participation from the unemployed youths with special focus on special category, i.e.,
SC, ST, differently abled, Ex- servicemen, Women, etc. DIC should preferably consider
organizing these camps jointly with banks / KVIB in industrially under developed district. The
amount to be spent on publicity, organizing awareness camps and other necessary
contingencies expenses for organizing such camps, will be separately communicated by DOI.
Mandatory activities to be undertaken in the awareness camps:
(i) Publicity through banners, posters, hoardings and press advertisements in local
(ii) Presentation on the scheme by KVIB/DIC officials.
(iii) Presentation by Lead Bank Manager/ Leading bank in the area.
(iv) Distribution of sanction letters to CMEGP entrepreneurs who have been sanctioned loans
by the bank.
(v) Press conferences
(vi) Marketing support for the products manufactured by the units under CMEGP will be
provided through DOI. Besides these exhibitions, workshops at District / State / Zonal /
National and International levels, Buyer-Seller Meets, etc., may be organized for the
benefit of CMEGP beneficiaries by DOI.
22) Workshops:
DOI will be coordinating these workshops and will get the annual calendar of workshops
approved from the Government of Maharashtra, in advance.
Objectives of such workshops are:
(i) To brief potential beneficiaries about benefits under the CMEGP Scheme/Cluster, etc.
(ii) To create a Data Bank of CMEGP units regarding products manufactured, services provided
business activity, production & distribution capacity, present marketing set-up,
employment, capital cost, etc.
(iii) To interact with CMEGP entrepreneurs to obtain feedback about their units, their problems,
support required achievements, success stories, etc.
(iv) To involve experts in marketing and export to support CMEGP units in these areas.
One State level Workshop each by KVIB and DIC jointly is to be organized once in year with
participation of minimum 200 prospective entrepreneurs. The State Level Workshop will include
the following activities:
 Presentation of CMEGP implementation status of the State.
 Banks views on CMEGP by senior officials of lead Bank in the State.
 Sharing of experience and success stories by CMEGP entrepreneurs, providing special
emphasis to entrepreneurs belonging to special categories.
 Briefing about support schemes related to cluster and marketing strategies by
 Utilizing the services of MWCD, MAVIM, DRDA, etc. for involving the rural youth,
weaker sections, women, ex-servicemen, especially abled, in CMEGP.
 Presentation on domestic and export market potential available, by marketing
 Open house interaction with CMEGP entrepreneurs, constraints encountered, further
support required, etc.
 Data collection of CMEGP entrepreneurs in the prescribed format.
 Arranging exhibition cum sale of CMEGP products.
 Organizing press conference.
23) Orientation and Training to implementation agencies under CMEGP:
The staff and officers of DIC, KVIB and concerned agencies have to be sensitized on the
operational modalities of CMEGP which can be imparted in a one-day training workshops to be
conducted throughout the State/District levels by DIC (in coordination with KVIB). Minimum
seven such programs per year will be organized by DOI. DICs may organize such training
workshops jointly, wherever feasible, based on guidelines to be issued by DOI separately, for
this purpose.
24) TA/DA of Staff and Officers:
The officers of DICs and KVIB will carry out relevant field visits and monitoring activities of
CMEGP. A provision of Rs.1 crore per year is made available towards TA/DA of staff and officers
for monitoring and reviewing CMEGP, including administrative expenses like stationery,
documentation, contingencies, etc., and around 40% of this amount can be earmarked for DICs.
DOI will issue separate guidelines incorporating the detailed modalities of certification of the
expenditure, laying down the norms for such field visits to optimally utilize the assistance and
ensure economy in expenditure.
25) Publicity and Promotional activities:
CMEGP should be popularized through aggressive publicity campaigns including posters,
banners, hoardings, radio jingles, television messages, advertisements in local papers, press
conferences, also involving VVIPs and distinguished guests in major events of CMEGP.
Keeping in view the significance of publicity and promotional activities required to be
undertaken for promoting CMEGP, advertisement will be issued /published in English, and
Marathi language newspapers. For District level events, quarter page advertisement will be
released and for State level events, half page advertisement will be released.
26) MIS Package, Application Tracking System, E-Portal and other supporting packages
E-governance is a vital requirement for effective monitoring and reviewing of the scheme. A
separate CMEGP website will be built by DOI, including all the relevant linkages with GOM,
KVIB, DICs, NIC and Banks, providing all the necessary information. Application tracking system
will also be introduced by DOI in coordination with KVIB / DICs for CMEGP beneficiaries. A
separate provision is available under forward-backward linkages for the purposes for use by
DOI. DOI will issue further guidelines regarding utilization of funds for the purposes outlined in
the backward and forward linkages by ensuring proper documentation, etc., from KVIB and
DICs. Proper account of the expenditure in this regard will be maintained by KVIB/DICs and
monitored by DOI regularly.
27) Proposed targets under CMEGP:
The following estimated targets have been proposed under CMEGP during the five years,
i.e. from 2019-20 to 2023-24.
Year Project
Margin Money (Subsidy)
(Rs. in Crore)
2019-20 10,000 300
2020-21 20,000 650
2021-22 20,000 750
2022-23 25,000 900
2023-24 25,000 900
Total 1,00,000 3500
To begin with, the targets would be distributed between DICs and KVIB in the ratio
of 60:40 to ensure comparatively greater emphasis to micro enterprises in rural areas. The
margin money subsidy would also be allocated in the same ratio. The District-wise annual
allocation of targets would be issued by Directorate of Industries to the implementing agencies.
a. Criteria for distribution of targets under CMEGP:
The following are the broad suggested criteria for distribution of District-wise targets:
i. Extent of backwardness of District;
ii. Extent of unemployment;
iii. Extent of fulfillment of targets under PMEGP;
iv. Extent of recovery of loans under PMEGP;
v. Population of the District; and
vi. Availability of traditional skills and raw material.
28) Rehabilitation of Sick Units:
Rehabilitation of sick units under CMEGP will be according to the RBI’s Guidelines for
rehabilitation of sick small-scale industrial units issued to all Scheduled Commercial Banks vide
their letter RPCD No. PLNFS.BC.57/06.04.01/2001-2002 dated 16thJanuary 2002.
29) Registration
Udyog Aadhar Registration with the Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India under the Scheme is
compulsory. No registration fee will be charged from the beneficiaries. Beneficiary will submit
quarterly report about production, sales, employment, wages paid, etc. to the State / Regional
Director of the DOI, and submit a consolidated report every six months.
30) Monitoring and evaluation of CMEGP:
30.1) Role of DOI:
DOI will be the single Nodal implementing Agency of the Scheme at the State level. DOI will be
the controlling and monitoring agency for implementation of the scheme. It will allocate target,
sanction and release required funds. Principal Secretaries / Commissioners (Industries) and CEO,
KVIB will be responsible for implementation of the Scheme in States through DICs and
representatives of State KVIB and Senior officials of Banks.
Development Commissioner (DC), DOI will quarterly review the performance with State KVIB
and Banks and submit a quarterly performance report to the Government of Maharashtra. The
report will include the component wise details of beneficiaries indicating the amount of the
Margin Money (subsidy) allotted, employment generated, and the projects set up. Department
of Industries will ensure that the margin money (subsidy) is utilized as per the sub-component
plans approved for SC, ST, Women, etc. The targets and achievement will also be monitored at
the Regional and District levels by the Joint Directors of Industries and at head office level by
the Development Commissioner (I) /Secretary (Industries).
30.2) Role of State Governments:
The Scheme will be reviewed half yearly by Hon. Chief Secretary of the State, CEO, KVIB,
Secretary (Industries) / Development Commissioner (Industries) of the State, Senior Officials of
the Banks and other officials concerned will attend the meeting.
The component wise details of beneficiaries indicating the amount of the Margin Money
(subsidy) allotted, employment generated, and the projects set up, which will be analyzed,
compiled and consolidated by DOI and a comprehensive report will be forwarded to GOM
quarterly or every month.
31) Evaluation of the Scheme:
A comprehensive, independent and rigorous evaluation of the scheme will be done after two
years of its implementation. Based on the findings of the evaluation study the scheme would be
modified suitably.
32) List of Negative Activities:
The following list of activities will not be permitted under CMEGP for setting up of micro
enterprises/ projects /units.
a) Any industry/businesses connected with Meat processing/slaughtering/canning and/or
serving items made of it as food, production/manufacturing or sale of intoxicant items like
Beedi/Pan/Cigar/Cigarette etc., Dhaba or sales outlet serving liquor, preparation/producing
tobacco as raw materials, tapping of toddy for sale.
b) Any industry/business connected with cultivation of crops/plantation like Tea, Coffee,
Rubber etc. sericulture (Cocoon rearing), Horticulture, Floriculture.
c) Any industry/business connected with Animal Husbandry like Rearing of goat/ sheep,
Piggery, Poultry, etc.
d) Manufacturing of Plastic, Polythene and Thermocol Products and related products as
prohibited by Environment Department, Govt. of Maharashtra notification No.Plastic2018/C.R. No.24/TC-4, dated 23rd March, 2018.
e) Any other Product/Activity banned by the Government of India / State Government.
33) Advice Note:
The state government has the right / authority to amend / modify the procedural guidelines for
the scheme or any provisions regarding eligibility criteria, quantum of assistance, grant in aid
(subsidy) etc. or any such parameters as and when required for smooth and speedy
implementation of the scheme. The changes if any will be intimated to all concerned
implementing agencies from time to time.


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